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Regulating the Dynamic Concept of Non-Personal Data in the EU:

From Ownership to Portability

Laura Somaini

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/edpl/2020/1/10

Keywords: non-personal data, free flow of data, GDPR, data portability, data ownership

The article explores the dynamic concept of non-personal data and the regulatory approaches within the EU legal framework. De lege lata, this article critically assesses the issues arising from Regulation (EU) 2018/1807 on the framework on the free flow of non-personal data, focusing on the definition of non-personal data and the data porting principle. While the legislator’s shift from ownership to control is endorsed, the relevance of a framework targeting solely non-personal data is questioned in light of data protection concerns. De lege ferenda, this article submits that a comprehensive approach should broadly consider overcoming binary data categorisations. For the purposes of the FFD Regulation’s evaluation, evidence-based reflections are suggested.
Keywords: non-personal data; free flow of data; GDPR; data portability; data ownership

Laura Somaini, LLM in European Legal Studies, College of Europe (2018-2019). The author thanks David Pérez de Lamo for his valuable support. For correspondence: <mailto:laura.somaini@unibocconi.it>.


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