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The Aftermath of Digital Rights Ireland: Romanian Constitutional Court Declares Overarching Cybersecurity Law Unconstitutional

Valentina Pavel Burloiu

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/EDPL/2015/2/10

In January 2015, the Romanian Constitutional Court invalidated the new law on cybersecurity underlining the intrusive nature of the provisions and its impact on private life. The draft law gave the Romanian Intelligence Agency (SRI) and other 9 public institutions access to any computer data owned by private companies, without a court order and granted the possibility of accessing data from any IT system owned, possessed, managed, operated or used by legal persons. The law mentioned that each of these institutions could be granted access at a simple motivated request without any judicial supervision.

Valentina Pavel Burloiu is a legal adviser specialized in national and European IT law. At ApTI – the Association for Technology and Internet she is also actively involved in advocacy and public policy activities on issues such as privacy, freedom of expression, open data and Internet governance. Moreover, she plays a key role in coordinating the first concentrated privacy awareness campaign in Romania, writing articles connected to data protection, monitoring the relevant legislative developments, supporting strategic litigation as well as creating a series of educational and informative materials on privacy.She can be reached at valentina.pavel@gmail.com.


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