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Differential Privacy and the GDPR

Julian Hölzel

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/edpl/2019/2/8

Keywords: Anonymisation, Differential Privacy, Privacy Model, Model Comparison, Anonymisation Techniques

Under the European General Data Protection Regulation, anonymisation of personal data may not only provide a legal loophole for controllers to escape their regulatory burden. Considering specific circumstances, it can even be a legal duty for controllers to anonymise their personal data. Differential privacy has been proposed as a new approach to the problem of anonymisation. This article aims to assess the appropriateness of this approach with regards to the legal problem of anonymisation.
Keywords: Anonymisation, Differential Privacy, Privacy Model, Model Comparison, Anonymisation Techniques

Julian Hölzel, Research Assistant, Chair of Computer Engineering at Humboldt University of Berlin (Prof Dr Björn Scheuermann). For correspondence: <mailto:julian.hoelzel@hu-berlin.de> or <mailto:hoelzelj@mailbox.org>. The author would like to thank Samuel Brack, Jörg Pohle, Sana Ahmad and Roisin Cronin for their helpful discussions and remarks. Acknowledgement: We would like to express our gratitude to the BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research), who funded this research in the context of the Goodcoin project (16KIS0376).


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