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Informational Self-Determination, Digital Health and New Features of Data Protection


Theo Hooghiemstra

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/edpl/2019/2/6

This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Licence Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Keywords: Informational Self-Determination, Digital Health, Digital Buttler

Health data outside the medical context should be better protected against governments and companies. The advance of personalised health environments changes the meaning of informational self-determination in healthcare. Outside the medical context, there is an imbalance between people's ability to truly determine the usage of their health data and the data power of companies and governments. To create a proper balance, people need additional protection, for which I propose a coherent set of recommendations in my dissertation: patient confidentiality by law, prohibition of the trade in health data, a digital butler and the rest of the recommendations I mentioned.Keywords: Informational Self-Determination, Digital Health, Digital Buttler

Dr Theo Hooghiemstra obtained his PhD from the University of Tilburg on Informational self-determination in healthcare and is one of the founders of Hooghiemstra & Partners. For correspondence: <mailto:theo@hooghiemstra-en-partners.nl>. With special thanks to Michael Collyer, Annelie Henke and Janna Al Qaq for the translation.


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