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Transborder Data Flows 2.0: Mending the Holes of the Data Protection Directive

Foivi Mouzakiti

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/EDPL/2015/1/8

In the digital age, data exports have reached unprecedented levels. The European Union’s 20-year old framework on transborder data flows has, therefore, been unable to accommodate the needs of the 21st century. In 2012, however, the European Commission announced a data protection reform, which is at the forefront of its legislative priorities. But it was due to the “Snowden revelations” that the regulation of data flows across borders was placed at the heart of the data protection debate. The integrity of the so-called Safe Harbour agreement has been severely questioned and it is, since then, subject to intense negotiations. Undoubtedly, these are interesting times for data protection in the EU.

Foivi Mouzakiti, LL.M (University College London); foivi.mouzakiti.13@alumni.ucl.ac.uk.


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