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European Union ∙ Synergies in Cybersecurity Incident Reporting – The NIS Cooperation Group Publication 04/20 in Context


Sandra Schmitz-Berndt, Fabian Anheier

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/edpl/2021/1/13

This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Licence Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Sandra Schmitz-Berndt, LL.M., LL.M., is Research Associate at SnT, University of Luxembourg, working on the project EnCaViBS (<https://encavibs.uni.lu/>) with Mark Cole, for correspondence <sandra.schmitz@uni.lu>; Fabian Anheiner is student in law at the Universität Trier. The research for this article was funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) C18/IS/12639666/EnCaViBS/Cole, <https://www.fnr.lu/projects/the-eu-nis-directive-enhancing-cybersecurity-across-vital-business-sectors-encavibs/>.


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