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European Data Protection Law Review

The European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL) provides a practical and intellectual forum to discuss, comment, and review all issues raised by the development and implementation of data protection law and policy in the EU Member States. The journal reports on key legislative developments and addresses relevant legal, regulatory, and administrative progresses in EU Member States and institutions. Important judgments that shape the interpretation and application of the EU law in this field are indentified and analysed, particularly judgments by the European Courts, international courts and tribunals such as the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body, and higher national courts. Furthermore, contributors address relevant legal, regulatory and administrative developments in EU Member States that shape the practical implementation of European law in this field.

The EDPL reports on the law and policy governing:

● Privacy and data protection,
● Freedom of information, open data and re-use of information,
● Civil liberties issues,
● Data processing,
● Data transfers,
● Technology issues.

All contributions to EDPL shall undergo the process of a double blind peer-review, in order to guarantee the publication's solid scientific output.



Publication frequency: quarterly
approx. 100 pages
ISSN 2364-2831

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