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Opinions ∙ Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Decision-Making

Maja Brkan

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/edpl/2023/3/5

Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, court, judicial decision-making

Dr Maja Brkan, LL.M., Judge at the General Court of the European Union. A slightly shorter version of this opinion has been published in Slovenian language on IUS INFO in two parts, under the title of 'Umetna inteligenca in sodniško odločanje' <https://www.iusinfo.si/medijsko-sredisce/kolumne/304161> (20 February 2023) and <https://www.iusinfo.si/medijsko-sredisce/kolumne/umetna-inteligenca-in-sodnisko-odlocanje-2-del-304681> (20 March 2023) accessed 31 October 2023. The author would like to thank Hana Palčič Vilfan and Ruby Rea Länge Babić for their assistance in translating and preparing the final version of this opinion.


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