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How to Make Data Portability Right More Meaningful for Data Subjects?

Daniela Copetti Cravo

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/edpl/2022/1/9

Despite the legislative movement involving data portability worldwide, the right to data portability is not a reality yet in the daily routine of the data subjects. Similarly, on the data controller’s part, data portability still remains an open issue. Many doubts arise about the definition, the scope of application, the data covered and so on. Thus, the purpose of this article is to identify the gaps existing in the implementation of data portability and to propose some roadmaps that could be adopted by authorities or by the private sector.
Keywords: Data Portability | Implementation | Scope of Application | Data Covered | Definition

Porto Alegre’s Municipality Attorney. Ph.D. in Law (UFRGS). Academic Director of ESDM. For Correspondence: <dccravo@gmail.com>


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