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Practitioner’s Corner ∙ Five Ways to GDPR-Compliant Use of Blockchains

Jörn Erbguth

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/edpl/2019/3/19

Jörn Erbguth is a consultant on blockchain, smart contracts and data protection. He holds majors in computer science and law. Jörn is currently researching governance of blockchains and smart contracts at the University of Geneva. He also lectures at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and the University of Geneva. He is a member of the Focus Group on DLT at the International Telecommunication Union, a member of DIN SPEC 4997 and a board member of the EDV-Gerichtstag. For correspondence: <mailto:joern@erbguth.net>. The author would like to thank Silvan Jongerius for his very valuable feedback.


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